
Brandon Mageno and Family

10 Reasons Why We Thanked Our Murrieta Plumber

We’re all guilty of taking some people for granted, including our neighborhood plumber. Most plumbers you meet on the street love their job, whether they get a pat on the back or not. However, some plumbers are asked to work after hours, on weekends, and on holidays. Think about this – while you’re home eating […]

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Please, Don’t Try To Hire The Cheapest Plumber!

We are not the cheapest plumber, nor do we want to be. Unfortunately, we live in an age where consumers can get online and grind it out to find the cheapest plumber. We can’t count the number of times when we get a call to fix another plumber’s mess because the homeowner hired a plumber […]

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The Internet cannot make you a plumber

When Is It Time To Call Your Plumber?

The big question is, “When is it time to call your plumber?” Of course, we know the obvious, such as a broken water heater, pipe leak, slab leak, or clogged sewer line. These are all cases in which you need to call your plumber. Consequently, there are those gray areas when we would rather wait […]

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Your Plumber

What To Expect From Your Plumber

Here’s what to expect from your plumber. The fact is, many homeowners rarely need plumbing services. If we stop to think, most of us can count the times on one hand that we had to call our local plumbing company. For some homeowners, it seems they plan for problems before they even start, so when […]

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Bad Plumber, Good Plumber, Know The Difference

Bad Plumber, Good Plumber – Know The Difference

Bad plumber? Good plumber? How can we tell the difference? The fact is, bad news travel much faster than good news. In most cases, people will share a bad experience before sharing a good one. If we’re honest with ourselves, we probably think all plumbers are the same, and we usually end up hiring someone […]

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Old Fashioned Plumbing Services

Old Fashioned Plumbing Services

Old fashioned plumbing services, what does that mean to you? When I think about old-fashioned plumbing services, a few things come to mind: experience, memories, trust, family, and friendship. Growing up, our plumber was all of the above and not just for our family but also for many families in our neighborhood. We didn’t have […]

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The Plumber Near Me

Like so many others do, when something goes wrong, we just jump on our tablet, PC, or smartphone and complete an online search. Most people like myself jump on Google and type in what they are looking for, and “Wa-La!” you have an endless supply of companies you’re looking for, more than you’ll ever want […]

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How To Hire An Awesome Plumber

How To Hire An Awesome Plumber

No one likes to wait to get their plumbing issue handled, which holds true for most homeowners. However, when we have a plumbing problem, we want to get it handled quickly. There is nothing is worse than a lingering plumbing issue. Maybe it’s that backed-up drain, broken water heater, or newly discovered water leak. Whatever […]

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Plumbing Industry, It's Time To Become A Plumber

Becoming A Plumber Is An Excellent Career Path

Would you consider becoming a plumber? The plumbing industry is a great place to start a new career and learn about a whole new set of technologies. When we talk technology, rarely, if at all, will plumbing come to mind. Yet, the fact is new technology has infiltrated every area of life, including plumbing. Everything […]

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We Need More Women Plumbers

What would you think if you called your local plumbing company and a woman plumber came to the door to handle your repairs? Let’s be honest with ourselves, though I can only speak for myself and say, “I would be pleasantly surprised.” After giving it some thought, I may even expect more from her than […]

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Don't Criticize Your Plumber

The Truth About Plumbers

We’ve heard the jokes and stories about plumbers. Someone will have a bad experience with a plumber and pass that experience on to a friend or neighbor. Before you know it, the story went viral, and every plumber is a suspect. While we can’t vouch for every plumber, we can say that the vast majority […]

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Your Plumber For Life

“Your Plumber For Life” – Big B’s Plumbing

Make Big B’s Plumbing your “Plumber for Life.” Not long ago, we had long-lasting relationships with our dentists, doctor, auto mechanic, and even tradespeople. I remember our dentist was Dr. Fleming, and our plumber was John Sutherland. If anything went wrong with our plumbing, my mom would say, “Call John.” She didn’t say, “Call a […]

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