Composter/ Composting

Composting and Plumbing: Reducing the Volume of Organic Waste

Plumbing and composting might seem like two unrelated activities, but they share several commonalities, particularly in their emphasis on systems, waste management, and sustainability. When used together, they can create significant positive impacts on the environment. Imagine all those banana, potato, and carrot peels, eggshells, coffee grounds, and spoiling vegetables or fruits going into our composter instead of ending up in landfills. This collaboration between composting and plumbing can lead to a more efficient and eco-friendly waste management system.

By integrating composting with plumbing, households can remarkably reduce the volume of organic waste that enters the sewage system. In turn, it eases the burden on wastewater treatment plants, which often struggle to process organic matter efficiently. Additionally, composting helps decrease methane emissions from landfills, a potent greenhouse gas, thereby contributing to the fight against climate change.

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Plumbing Systems Incorporating Greywater Recycling

Moreover, composting enriches the soil, enhancing its ability to retain water and reduce erosion. It also supports healthier plant growth and minimizes the demand for synthetic fertilizers, which can leach into water supplies and cause pollution. Effective plumbing systems incorporating greywater recycling can further support sustainable water use by diverting water from showers and sinks for irrigation and composting processes.

Together, these practices promote a circular economy within the household, where waste is not simply discarded but repurposed into valuable resources. This integrated approach to waste management exemplifies how small changes at the individual level can collectively make a substantial difference for the environment.

What the EPA Says About Food Waste Going Down Your Drain

When food waste is put down your drain, it mixes with other wastewater in our sewer system, ending up at the wastewater treatment facility. There are better solutions than this because food waste decays quickly in our sewer system, producing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, which is released straight into the atmosphere. Treating wastewater that contains food waste requires a lot of energy. Additionally, depending on the operations at the treatment plant, the valuable nutrients in the food waste might not be recovered for reuse. Even if the facility generates energy through anaerobic digestion, this recovered energy does not compensate for the methane emissions and the extra energy needed for wastewater treatment.

What is anaerobic digestion? According to the American Biogas Council, it is a series of biological processes where microorganisms break down biodegradable material without oxygen.

Here are a Few Connections Between Composting and Plumbing

Both composting and plumbing play important roles in waste management, sustainability, and system design. Composting transforms organic waste into valuable compost, reducing the amount sent to landfills and enriching the soil for healthier plant growth. On the other hand, plumbing systems handle the removal and treatment of household wastewater, conserving water and providing safe disposal.

Both practices require thoughtful system design: composting systems must balance carbon and nitrogen ratios, moisture, and aeration, while plumbing systems must provide proper water flow, prevent leaks, and avoid blockages. Together, these practices contribute greatly to sustainable living and effective waste management.

Compost/ Composting

Mandatory Recycling Ordinance Update in San Diego Includes Food Scraps

This Mandatory Recycling Ordinance requires people to segregate biological garbage that has recently been added and recyclable materials at homes, companies, mixed-use buildings, and approved special events. To view the complete Recycling Ordinance, click this link.

Recyclable materials include glass bottles and jars, paper, newspapers, cardboard, metal containers, and stiff plastics such as clean food containers, bottles, jugs, tubs, trays, pots, buckets, and toys.

Recyclable products made from new organic waste include

Yard garbage, such as garden and landscape waste and nonhazardous wood waste, is permissible, as are food scraps and food-soiled paper from kitchens and food scraps.

The recycling policy amendments ensure the City abides by Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383), a mandated state requirement. According to the new rule, the amount of organic waste dumped in landfills must be reduced. Recycling organic waste breaks down the organic material into beneficial soil nutrients or electricity, converting food scraps and yard waste into compost or gas. Find out more about the California requirements and SB 1383 in San Diego.

Large Container was a Big Success, but Small Container Didn’t Do So Well

San Diego has sent organic waste recycling containers to San Diego’s homes along with a container for gathering food scraps. The large container was a big success, but the small container could have gone over better. Some people complained about the food scraps drawing flys, and others complained about the smell. These food scraps were meant to go directly into the large container. However, there is a better way, and that is composting. Composting in your home is a discipline requiring a few extra steps.

Start Composting and Prevent Your Food Excess from Our Waterways

As it stands, you should not dispose of banana peels, celery, egg shells, coffee grounds, anything fibrous, and so much more down your garbage disposal. So why not start composting? Composting is so rewarding. It will prevent excess food from entering our waterways and keep our landfills from filling up too quickly while doing our share in reducing methane gas. And it doesn’t stop there. The compost is wonderful for your trees and garden. But composting does require a commitment. We’ve all heard the “phrase practice makes perfect,” and the same applies to composting.

Start with a Countertop Composter

To start, you’ll need a countertop composter to gather all your kitchen scraps. We purchased a Utopia Kitchen Compost bin from Amazon for our Countertop many years ago. It is a 1.3-gallon compost bucket for your kitchen with a lid and includes one spare charcoal filter. It has no smell, and we line it with the plastic bags. These are the same bags we put our fruits and vegetables in at the grocery store; they are a perfect fit. The cost now is $26.99 but there are others that cost less.

Compost Bin

Purchase a Larger Model for the Backyard

While you can use a trash can or other means to compost, but it’s best to start with a backyard composter that spins. We purchased a composter from Offerup for the backyard it was a great deal and in good shape. We put it in a place that receives a good amount of sun. In the summer months, your food scraps can be composted in a couple of days. To start your composter:

  1. Buy a bag of chicken or cow manure and add a couple of shovels full of them to your compost bin.
  2. Start adding your food scraps.
  3. Turn it every three or four days or as needed. You will produce the best-looking, smelling compost for your garden, trees, or shrubs.

Composting Will Provide Some Surprises

When composting throughout the year, you’ll discover other benefits in your garden. Most people don’t realize how many seeds they put into their composter. So when it comes time to plant your garden, you get many different volunteers. Volunteers are vegetable plants that pop up from the seeds you put in your composter—everything from regular and cherry tomatoes to bell peppers and squash. You can decide what stays and what goes. Some get dug up and planted elsewhere. Gardening and composting can be a magical experience.  

Let’s Reap and Start Composting

Composting offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond simply reducing waste. It plays an important role in waste management by transforming organic material into valuable compost, keeping excess food out of landfills, and significantly cutting down methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. By composting, you enrich the soil with essential nutrients, leading to healthier plant growth and more robust gardens.

Moreover, composting promotes sustainability by conserving resources and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers, which can harm the environment. It also supports a circular economy within the household, where waste is repurposed into useful materials rather than discarded.

Composting fosters a deeper connection with nature and encourages environmentally responsible behavior. Whether you start with a small countertop composter or a larger backyard model, the commitment to composting is a step towards a greener, more sustainable future. Embrace composting today and reap its numerous environmental, economic, and personal benefits.

Brandon and Family, Licensed plumbing contractor

Family Owned & Operated

My name is Brandon Mageno. I'm the founder, President, and CEO of Big B's Plumbing Company. As the founder, I never thought about being average or good. My passion for being the best plumbing company in Southern California has always been the same. Providing plumbing services to this great county is simply in my DNA. Nothing makes me happier than to see a satisfied customer. Learn More About Us

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