PEX Tubing for home repiping

Home Repiping: Embarking on the Journey of Choosing PEX or Copper

Big B's Plumbing - Your Plumber for Life!

You’ve reached a point where you’re ready to bid farewell to your old pipes and take on the exciting endeavor of your home repiping project. It’s entirely natural for many homeowners to feel apprehensive about such a significant project, but once completed, you’ll be left wondering why you didn’t make the decision sooner. The transformation is remarkable; your water pressure will surge, making it feel like you’ve stepped into a brand-new home, and those nagging worries about leaky pipes will become a distant memory. The power to choose the right pipes for your home still rests in your hands, and you have two fantastic options at your disposal: PEX and copper.

Regarding your home repiping, there are two standout choices in today’s plumbing world: PEX and copper. These materials offer homeowners versatility, durability, and peace of mind when it comes to their plumbing needs. Whether you opt for the modern flexibility of PEX or the time-tested reliability of copper, your home is poised to enjoy the benefits of a plumbing system built to last. So, take the plunge and embrace the positive changes that await you on your home repiping journey. Your home will thank you for it!

Home Repiping with PEX Boasts an Impressive 50-Year Lifespan

PEX, which stands for cross-linked polyethylene, has a remarkable development and success story. In 1968, Dr. Thomas Engel pioneered a groundbreaking method to chemically cross-link polyethylene, resulting in strong and enduring molecular connections. In 1972, Engel joined forces with the Wirsbo company to introduce PEX to the European market. The year 1984 marked a significant milestone when Wirsbo expanded its presence to the North American market in Rockford, Illinois, specifically for radiant floor heating applications. Subsequently, in 1988, Upnor acquired Wirsbo and established its base in Lakeville, MN, becoming a global leader in plastic pipe manufacturing with 40 factories worldwide.

In 1993, Aqua PEX® emerged as a game-changer for the plumbing industry, providing new alternatives to CPVC and copper. This remarkable pipe offers a life expectancy of 50 years, making it a durable and reliable choice. It is long-lasting and boasts ease of installation, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to withstand temperatures as high as 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Benefits of PEX-A Piping for Your Home

When choosing the right plumbing material for your home, several key advantages make PEX-A piping an exceptional choice. One of the most significant benefits is its outstanding durability. Before your plumbing is even installed, the potential for damage due to worksite mishaps or shipping accidents is always a concern. Copper and CPVC pipes are susceptible to hidden cracks or imperfections that can eventually lead to structural failure with just a simple drop, dent, or misplacement of weight during installation.

However, PEX-A piping stands out for its flexibility and malleability, making it highly damage-resistant. This means that when your plumbing system is installed, you can rest easy knowing it won’t fail due to unnoticed imperfections. And let’s face it, no one wants to deal with plumbing failures, no matter how small they may be.

More Compelling Features for Home Repiping with PEX

Another compelling feature of PEX piping is the reduced number of plumbing joints required. Thanks to its bendable nature, PEX can be installed with fewer joints than other materials, resulting in a more robust and long-lasting plumbing system. Fewer joints mean a lower risk of potential failures, which could lead to leaks, corrosion, and costly water damage in your home.

In regions with unpredictable weather, the resiliency of PEX piping truly shines. PEX can withstand freezing temperatures, unlike copper and CPVC, which can crack and burst when exposed to freezing conditions. This means you can avoid the hassle and mess of dealing with burst pipes, especially during the holiday season. We prioritize the use of quality materials in the construction of your home, and PEX piping is no exception. We repipe homes to last for generations, ensuring that your family enjoys the benefits of a reliable plumbing system.

Home Repiping Service Fallbrook, CA

Copper Pipes Remain an Exceptional Choice

Many homeowners are steadfast in their preference for copper pipes, and that’s a decision they can confidently make. Copper pipes have been a stalwart presence in the plumbing industry for over six decades. From the 1800s through the early 1960s, galvanized steel pipes had their time, but copper eventually assumed dominance in new construction and home repiping projects. Remarkably, copper pipes boast a remarkable lifespan of 40 to 50 years. Some homeowners continue to have reservations about PEX piping, and it’s entirely understandable. Copper has proven itself as a high-quality piping material over the years, and it continues to do so. Many customers needing home repiping may not have heard of PEX, as it only gained popularity around the turn of the century.

Exceptional Durability of Copper Piping

Copper truly stands out as a superior home repiping material, and its durability is a primary reason for its acclaim. This tough and resilient material is virtually impervious to the risk of total pipe failure or extensive corrosion. Furthermore, copper boasts a high thermal rating, making it an ideal choice for homeowners seeking a fire-retardant solution within their plumbing system.

The longevity of copper piping is a remarkable feature, with only occasional concerns about pitted corrosion. In some cases, small holes may develop due to the specific soil composition surrounding the pipes and the mineral content of the water. However, aside from this relatively rare issue, a few factors can detract from the numerous advantages of copper pipes. Their enduring strength and reliability continue to make them a preferred choice among homeowners.

Elevating Your Home Repiping with Copper Pipes

When it comes to a comprehensive plumbing overhaul for your entire home, entrust the job to experts with the right skills and experience. At Big B’s Plumbing San Diego, we bring a wealth of expertise to the table and provide you with top-notch materials to ensure the job is done right. Copper, in particular, is a standout choice for home repiping, and here’s why:

Better-Tasting Water 

Copper pipes offer a significant advantage; copper does not release harmful contaminants into your water supply. This enhances your water’s safety and contributes to a fresher, better-tasting drinking experience. When selecting a plumbing company in San Diego, CA, be sure to inquire about your material options, including the benefits of copper piping.

Whole House Water Filtration systems In Canyon Lake, CA.

Recyclable and Durable 

We understand that plumbing work can be an investment, so choose materials that offer immediate and long-term value. Copper pipes are renowned for their durability and longevity. Depending on the climate and maintenance, copper pipes can last up to an impressive 70 years. This long-lasting performance helps you save on replacement costs and ensures your plumbing stands the test of time.

Environmentally Friendly

Embracing eco-friendly practices is not only beneficial for the environment but also for your well-being. Opting for a San Diego, CA, plumber who offers recyclable materials like copper is a win-win. It reduces your environmental footprint and contributes to a sustainable future, all while providing you with a robust and reliable plumbing system.

Whether you require a complete home repiping project or emergency plumbing services, choose the right team of professionals. Our team of highly qualified Big B’s Plumbing technicians has years of valuable experience. We combine this expertise with the use of premium materials and cutting-edge techniques to ensure your plumbing fixtures stand the test of time. For more information and to experience the benefits of copper piping for your home, don’t hesitate to contact Big B’s Plumbing today. Your plumbing deserves nothing but the best!

PVC: A Versatile Choice for Sewer Lines

PVC may not be the go-to option for your entire home repiping, but it certainly shines when it comes to sewage applications. The versatility of PVC lies in its ability to cater to specific needs by adjusting the pipe’s thickness accordingly. Sewer pipes, for instance, differ from pressure water pipes and storm drains, and PVC pipes can be tailored to meet these unique requirements. In some cases, PVC must meet specific health regulations. 

Since the 1970s, PVC has been the preferred choice for sewer lines in most instances. However, in rare cases, you may still come across cast iron or clay pipes. If you’re a DIY enthusiast looking to repair or replace your sewer line, PVC is your best ally. It offers affordability, lightweight construction, and easy cutting. Homeowners can conveniently purchase PVC piping at your local home improvement store. Homeowners, you can select the pipes that perfectly suit your home’s needs. However, unless you are an experienced plumbing DIY, we do not advise installing your own sewer line.

Copper Piping Has Been a Trusted Choice for Generations 

In the world of plumbing, the decision between copper piping and PEX is not just about choosing a material; it’s about securing the future of your home’s plumbing system. As we conclude our exploration of these two exceptional options, both copper and PEX offer a range of impressive benefits. Copper piping has been a trusted choice for generations with its time-tested durability and contaminant resistance. It stands as a symbol of reliability and longevity, promising water that flows seamlessly and tastes pure and refreshing. With copper, you’re investing in a plumbing solution that can last up to 70 years, providing peace of mind for you and your family.

On the other hand, PEX has burst onto the scene with its remarkable flexibility and ease of installation. It’s a material that adapts to the evolving needs of modern homes, offering reduced joints and minimized risks of leaks. PEX also shines in freezing conditions, preventing the nightmare of burst pipes during cold spells. It’s the embodiment of innovation and convenience, catering to the demands of today’s homeowners. 

The Choice is in Your Hands, but We’ll Guide You through the Process

So, how do you decide on the right choice for your home repiping project? It ultimately comes down to your specific needs and priorities. Do you value the traditional durability of copper, or are you drawn to the versatility and ease of PEX? Fortunately, you don’t have to make this decision alone. Trust Big B’s Plumbing experts in San Diego, CA, to guide you through the process. Their wealth of experience and knowledge will help you make an informed choice for your home’s unique plumbing requirements. Whether you opt for the timeless strength of copper or the modern convenience of PEX, you’re investing in your home. Whichever you choose, your plumbing will be in capable hands, ready to serve you and your family.

Brandon and Family, Licensed plumbing contractor

Family Owned & Operated

My name is Brandon Mageno. I'm the founder, President, and CEO of Big B's Plumbing Company. As the founder, I never thought about being average or good. My passion for being the best plumbing company in Southern California has always been the same. Providing plumbing services to this great county is simply in my DNA. Nothing makes me happier than to see a satisfied customer. Learn More About Us

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Found them on Google and they had good quality reviews. Made the call and set up the appointment for same day. Dispatch called me a few hours later to confirm our appointment and let me know that the technician Mathew was on the way. This was supposed to be an easy job once Mathew arrived. But it turned out to be so much more than that. Without hesitation or a sour look on his face, he dove deep into his van...
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Randy was very knowledgeable and professional. He helped us figure out what we could do with the space given for our bathroom with our remodel. He picked out perfect fixtures and the work he did was beautiful. The cleaned up properly when they were done and everything was handled in one day! I will be calling for Randy anytime we have any plumbing needs. Thank you for doing such a great job!
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