Take the bidet challenge

The Bidet Challange: Use a Bidet for Two Weeks, You’ll Never Go Back

No one could have predicted what transpired during COVID-19. It was truly unprecedented. Amid the chaos, we witnessed a nation both unite and face challenges. Some families grew closer while others faced separation. The rush for essentials like food and toilet paper was unlike anything I’d ever seen. One day, I overheard someone mention they weren’t worried about toilet paper shortages because they used a bidet. Curious, I asked how she liked it. She encouraged me to “take the bidet challenge” for two weeks, promising I’d never return to toilet paper.

As a blogger and content writer for the trades, I had written about bidets before, so I was familiar with them. Inspired, I decided to find one for myself. However, even bidets were in high demand and hard to find. Eventually, I managed to get an affordable bidet attachment for my toilet, and it was a game-changer. The experience confirmed the bidet’s advantages, and I haven’t looked back since.

Big B's Plumbing - Your Plumber for Life!

Let’s Look Back and Embrace the Positives

Reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic, we acknowledge the positives that emerged during this challenging time. In San Diego, we witnessed churches coming together to provide the community with food, lunches, and other essential items. Remarkably, the news reported that there were more volunteers than people in need. These dedicated volunteers delivered food and goods throughout the county, demonstrating incredible community spirit.

Big B’s Plumbing even pledged to have its plumbers pick up donations and deliver them to food banks, and many other companies and individuals followed suit. As we look back, let’s remember and embrace these positive actions and learn from our experiences to build a better future.

Americans Held Toilet Paper in Such High Esteem

Not too long ago, toilet paper became one of the most sought-after items. Many of us witnessed it being rationed, with prices skyrocketing online to four or five times its usual value. There were even instances of people fighting over it, and in some cases, the product disappeared from the shelves almost instantly. It was astonishing to realize how highly.

Americans valued toilet paper. However, there are alternative methods for personal hygiene that are both effective and sanitary. Using a towel or washcloth is one option, and installing a bidet is another excellent choice. Both methods offer a cleaner and more sustainable solution compared to toilet paper. I could still hear that lady say take the bidet challenge.

Toilet Paper

We Saw Huge Demands for Toilet Paper–––Something Went Terribly Wrong!

We’ve all been there: stepping into our neighborhood grocery store during the COVID-19 pandemic, only to be met with empty shelves where paper goods, canned foods, and frozen items once stood. Among these, the sudden scarcity of toilet paper stood out the most, becoming more elusive than gold. I don’t hold it against anyone though. This situation was unprecedented. Fear drove people to stock up on essentials. Still, the overwhelming demand for toilet paper was surprising to many. Who could have predicted that we would face a shortage and a quest for something as mundane as toilet paper?

Let’s Compare a Bidet vs. Toilet Paper

Bidet Challenge: This was something I never knew, and it truly breaks my heart. Toilet paper is incredibly destructive to the environment, yet Americans are deeply obsessed with it. Although Americans comprise only 4% of the world’s population, they consume over 20% of the global tissue supply. According to The Guardian, 28 million acres of Canada’s boreal forest have been cut down since 1996 to meet this demand. Popular brands like Charmin Ultra Soft, Kirkland Signature, and Angel Soft use little to no recycled material in their products, relying heavily on these forests.

In contrast, a bidet offers an environmentally friendly alternative by eliminating the need for toilet paper entirely. By switching to a bidet, each person can save approximately 100 pounds of toilet paper annually, significantly reducing our environmental footprint. Embracing the bidet challenge can lead to a cleaner, greener future.

Cut Down Rain Forest

Take the Bidet Challenge for Your Health, Plumbing, and Environment

Bidet Challenge: We’ve all experienced the urge to make positive changes, yet sometimes we procrastinate. For me, that change is installing a bidet. I’ve always wanted one because I understand the benefits it offers for my plumbing, health, and the environment. However, like adopting any good habit, it requires some effort. You’ll return to toilet paper if you use a bidet for a day or two. It takes some time to understand and feel the benefits.

There are also some misconceptions to overcome, such as the idea that using towels to dry instead of toilet paper is less sanitary. Additionally, getting the whole family on board with the switch can be another hurdle. But embracing the bidet challenge is worth it. It promises personal and household benefits and contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. We can all step towards a healthier, greener future by making this change.

New Toilet Installation with a Bidet, Take the Bidet Challenge Escondido

A Bidet Uses a Powerful Stream of Water

Bidet Challenge: Wiping with toilet paper is unsanitary and fails to clean your bottom thoroughly. Most of us have used toilet paper without a second thought, never really considering any alternatives. Without water, removing all residue after using the bathroom is nearly impossible, which your underwear might sometimes reveal.

A bidet, on the other hand, uses a powerful stream of water to effectively remove waste from your behind. You can then pat dry with a soft towel, which can be placed in a covered container to be laundered. As a side note, I no longer use towels because my bidet features an air dryer, making the process even more convenient and hygienic. Embracing the bidet challenge promotes better personal hygiene and contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Bidet Use in the UK & US

Bidets are gradually gaining popularity in the US and UK, but they still need to catch up with the rest of the world regarding adoption. In many European, Asian, and South American countries, bidets have long been a standard fixture in most bathrooms. They’re appreciated for their superior hygiene and environmental benefits. However, in the US and UK, the transition has been slower, hindered by ingrained habits and misconceptions about their use.

Despite this, increasing awareness of the environmental impact of toilet paper and a growing interest in sustainable living are driving more people in these regions to embrace the bidet challenge. As more individuals experience the benefits of bidets, their increase will likely continue to rise, helping to bridge the gap with the rest of the world.

80% of Bathrooms in Japan are Equipped with a Bidet

Using a bidet is a common practice in many parts of Asia, particularly in countries like Japan, where it is considered far more hygienic than using toilet paper. According to surveys, over 80% of bathrooms in Japan are equipped with a bidet, underscoring its widespread acceptance and the cultural emphasis on cleanliness. The preference for bidets in these regions is rooted in the belief that water provides a more thorough and sanitary cleanse, reducing the risk of irritation and infections compared to dry toilet paper. This commitment to personal hygiene, combined with the convenience and environmental benefits of bidets, has made them an integral part of daily life in many Asian households.

You Can Find a Bidet That Will Fit Your Budget

The cost of a bidet can vary widely depending on the type and features. For instance, you can opt for a bidet seat to attach to your existing toilet or invest in a complete toilet with an integrated bidet. Bidet seats generally start at around $100, but for better quality and additional features, spending around $250 is advisable. The BIO Bidet, available at Home Depot for $259, is a solid choice, offering reliable performance and good value. However, for those on a budget, my favorite option is the TOTO Washlet Elongated Bidet Seat from COSCO, which combines affordability with the high standards of the TOTO brand, making it an excellent entry point into the world of bidets at $359.99.

Features of the TOTO Washlet:

  • Adjustable Warm Dryer That Provides Simple Clean Up
  • Air Deodorizer That Automatically Neutralizes Your Bathroom Odors with a Powerful Air Filter
  • PREMIST Automatically Supports and Prevents Waste from Sticking
  • Dual Action Pulsating and Oscillating Creates the Refreshing Clean Whenever Every Time
  • Convenient Side Panel Delivers Instant Control of the Water Pressure and Temperature Settings

Features for the BIO Bidet:

  • Stainless, Oscillating Nozzle
  • Wide Massage Cleaning
  • Satisfying Posterior Cleaning
  • Soft feminine Child wash Cleaning
  • Turbo wash with Self-cleaning nozzle
  • Convenient Side Panel
  • Three-in-one nozzle
  • Adaptable Heated Seat and Water
  • Nightlight and Intelligent body sensor
  • Slow-closing seat and lid

You’ll Never Go Back to Traditional Toilet Paper

The toilet-bidet combo units start at around $400 and can easily escalate into the thousands, depending on the features and brand. It’s essential to do some thorough shopping and read reviews to find the best fit for your needs. Amazon often has great deals on a variety of models. Among the top choices are TOTO and Kohler, both known for their exceptional quality and innovative designs. However, there are many other excellent brands worth exploring. Taking the bidet challenge for two weeks can be a transformative experience. Once you experience the comfort and cleanliness, you’ll never want to return to traditional toilet paper.

Brandon and Family, Licensed plumbing contractor

Family Owned & Operated

My name is Brandon Mageno. I'm the founder, President, and CEO of Big B's Plumbing Company. As the founder, I never thought about being average or good. My passion for being the best plumbing company in Southern California has always been the same. Providing plumbing services to this great county is simply in my DNA. Nothing makes me happier than to see a satisfied customer. Learn More About Us

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Randy was very knowledgeable and professional. He helped us figure out what we could do with the space given for our bathroom with our remodel. He picked out perfect fixtures and the work he did was beautiful. The cleaned up properly when they were done and everything was handled in one day! I will be calling for Randy anytime we have any plumbing needs. Thank you for doing such a great job!
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